Review: The Time Keeper

Posted by Cathie on Monday, March 24, 2014. Filed under: , , , ,

The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom
Published by: Hyperion

Our source: Our local library

What it’s about (from Goodreads):

In this fable, the first man on earth to count the hours becomes Father Time. The inventor of the world's first clock is punished for trying to measure God's greatest gift. He is banished to a cave for centuries and forced to listen to the voices of all who come after him seeking more days, more years. Eventually, with his soul nearly broken, Father Time is granted his freedom, along with a magical hourglass and a mission: a chance to redeem himself by teaching two earthly people the true meaning of time.

He returns to our world--now dominated by the hour-counting he so innocently began--and commences a journey with two unlikely partners: one a teenage girl who is about to give up on life, the other a wealthy old businessman who wants to live forever. To save himself, he must save them both. And stop the world to do so. 

Our thoughts:

This is a wonderful story about the meaning of time. If you think about it, we count time constantly, all day long. There are clocks everywhere. There is the clock on the nightstand telling us when to get up, one on the stove, the microwave, the coffee pot, the water cooler, the TV, the VCR and even our phones. We have clocks on our walls, in our cars, and on our wrists, all counting down the minutes to what? Why do we always need to know what time it is?

The point that Mitch Albom makes in The Time Keeper is that we should all stop trying to control time and spend more time appreciating it. Granted we do need to measure time in order to function in today's world. I can't imagine my boss would be too pleased if I wandered in to work at any hour, but I do think we would all be more relaxed if we didn't pay such close attention to the clock.

I can't say that I like all of Mitch Albom's work, but I really enjoyed this book. I loved the story line and the ending.

We would recommend this to:

Fans of Historical Fiction

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