Review: Gold

Posted by Cathie on Monday, July 29, 2013. Filed under: , , ,

Gold by Chris Cleave
Published by: Simon & Schuster
Our source: Complimentary copy from the publisher

What it’s about (from Goodreads):

If your dreams pull you in one direction and your heart in another, which should you follow? This is the question that haunts Kate Meadows, a world champion athlete whose eight-year-old daughter Sophie is battling a recurrence of childhood leukemia just as Kate is about to compete for her last chance at an Olympic gold medal. 

For years, Kate has sacrificed everything for her family and watched her best friend and closest rival, Zoe Castle, conquer the world stage. Kate has never won gold and will have to go through Zoe—who has everything to lose—to get it. Now her child is facing a life-threatening illness, and the stakes are higher than ever. How can she do what is right for her daughter without abandoning all of her dreams?

Our thoughts:

This was my first Chris Cleave novel and its made me a fan.  While watching the Olympics, I don't usually think about the private lives of the athletes but it's something the book has you consider. 

In Gold, Kate and Jack Meadows are juggling training for positions on the Olympic team while caring for their seriously ill child.  Its a page turner and you get pulled in by the adrenaline of each race and the choices people make to achieve victory. The book deals with a lot of moral issues and portrays a true test of love and friendship.  I loved this book and can't wait to read more of Cleave's books.

We would recommend this to:

Book clubs, fans of contemporary fiction

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