Welcome to Relatively Bookish!

Posted by Kate on Tuesday, June 18, 2013.

I love to read. So does my Mom. And my sister. When we get together, our conversations frequently end up including, "Have you read...?" or "I just finished reading..." Our family vacations usually involve a suitcase full of books and we hit up library sales like it's our job.

We're bookish.

Earlier this month, I took Mom and Laura to Book Expo America in NYC (more about this later!) and it finally sold them on the idea of starting a book blog. We've always been up for discussing and sharing our reading, but being around that community of book lovers got us all so excited.

So, here we are! The blog will be a mix of what we're reading and what we're hoping to read in addition to other bookish news, book giveaways and lots of fun.

Happy reading!

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